Manage Diabetes for a Happy,
Healthy Life
Dogs and cats with diabetes can live a normal, healthy life with appropriate treatment and monitoring with Caninsulin®.

Health Management
Control your pet’s glucose levels and signs of diabetes.

Two Ways to Give Caninsulin®
Use either a U-40 insulin syringe, or VetPen® with a Caninsulin® cartridge.

Worldwide Trusted insulin
Over 25 years of experience and trust in feline and canine diabetes.
What is
Pet Diabetes?
Diabetes mellitus (sugar diabetes) in dogs and cats results from a shortage of insulin. When your pet’s body produces little or no insulin—or if it can’t be absorbed properly—glucose (sugar) builds up in the blood instead of being used for fuel. Your pet will feel starved, even if it has been eating normally.
Click to learn more about your pet’s diagnosis and care.

Know The Signs
of Pet Diabetes
You know your pet best. Keep an eye on your dog or cat for these signs of diabetes.

Cloudy eyes

Sleeps more
or is less

Urinates frequently or large amounts

Drinks a lot of

Dull or dry coat (cats)


Has lost
Meet Sugar & Spike

Tools to Help Manage
Your Pet’s Diabetes
Managing your pet’s diabetes can be easy with
resources and support tools.

Caninsulin® 40 IU/ml Suspension for Injection contains porcine insulin. POM-V.
Further information is available from the SPC, Datasheet or package leaflet.
Advice should be sought from the medicine prescriber.
Prescription decisions are for the person issuing the prescription alone.
Use Medicines Responsibly.